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Spotlight on Annie Atkins


The magic of film has the power to inspire, enchant, captivate and above all else transport us to another world.

The exceptional work of Graphic Designer Annie Atkins (for filming-making), poignantly stands out as a rich example of visual impact with its meticulous attention to detail.

'The Grand Budapest Hotel' trailer alone grabbed my attention with its quirky and endearing charm...excitedly followed up by watching the film on the big screen. l happily and whole-heartedly confess it was the rich array of graphic design visuals (created by leading graphic designer Annie Atkins and her team) which captivated me from the out-set.

Magnificently amplified by the hand-crafted visual props, the visual story-telling from packaging and stamped documents, to the "artistic" merits of the prison escape map - when handled with care and admired by the characters on-screen is simply beautiful! 

l find the creative process within graphic design film-making fascinating, as Annie Atkins explains, the process involves various steps, including script breakdown, continuity logistics, and the production of several copies of one piece to name but a few, with each step holding its own challenges.

l have great respect for the medium and feel inspired by the perspective in which Annie Atkins views her work  - "Look after the little details...you will in some some way contribute to the movie as a whole. It's our job, people do see it. When we create graphic props and set pieces, we're not always making them for the cinema audience – these are pieces that are dressed into the sets to create a more authentic experience for the director and actors to work in"

l'm delighted to share a short film link for further exploration of Annie's film projects and to invite you to listen to Annie describe her graphic design work in her own words. The clips will undoubtedly generate a deeper sense of appreciation for graphic design work within the field of film-making.

Be enchanted! 


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