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Animals at large - WWF Together App


The animal kingdom has long fascinated me. My trips to Africa and Asia, have fortunately allowed me to take the opportunity to observe animals in their natural environment. These trips truly hightened my awareness, leaving me with an indepth sense of awe and wonder. The visual delight (spent one late afternoon in September 2011) of watching a giraffe family slowly meandering against a backdrop of the Tsavo West National Park landscape will be a moment forever etched in my memory.

Thankfully, since 1961, the World Wildlife Fund continues to educate, support and make new discoveries. Their appetite to invite us to learn and contribute knows no bounds, and recently l made the exciting discovery of the creative 'WWF Together App' a visually rich & playful interactive experience.

l warmly invite you to explore the award winning WWF app, enticing you to learn, play and above all generate awareness of the many stunning species who share the planet with us.

Oh, and look-out for the origami animals currently roaming around on the app!


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