Cut and 'paste'.
With an accomplished background in textile and interior design, Denise Fiedler has successfully expanded her exploration of textures to a creative project called 'Paste'. Re-discovering in 2009 vintage books and flashcards which she had collected over a number of years, Denise came up with the idea to turn these new-found materials into handmade cut and paste collages.
l happily browsed through the visually enchanting 'paste' collection, and my eye was drawn to these cleverly contructed paper gems - Marie Antoinette looking most regal yet playful with a couple of colour birds nested in her hairpiece, a beautifully constructed typewriter reminiscent of a bygone era. And a beady green-eyed tabby cat along with a friendly-faced terrier waiting patiently to be adored.
l have a mixed-breed dog called Rupert, and with my love of paper-play, it would certainly be a joy to see him make the 'paste' dogs and cats wall of fame.