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Thanks to "belle"


It was at the beginning of the year that glassybaby was brought to my attention in the colourful shape of 'belle' via the Pearl Jam newsletter (l'm a long-term follower of this gifted band, hence inclusion of "given to fly" ). Upon reading the articles, l subsequently clicked on the related glassybaby link. Lo & behold the glassybaby world came alive.

Founded by Lee Rhodes in 1998, glassybaby's journey is an inspiring story of courage and hope, in which Lee faced a battle with a rare form of lung cancer. In search of serenity, Lee felt inspired to fill each glassybaby with a tealight, in which she found a shining glow of healing and hope.

l feel greatly touched by the creative manner in which glassybaby spreads the "power of giving" ethos by donating a percentage of glassybaby sales to various charities. A beautiful concept which enables givers to fundamentally change the lives of others.  l also find the creation of names and stories for each glassybaby makes way for an abundance of fun and many glassybaby discoveries.

Following on from my own discovery, it felt only natural to make a 'Looking Glass Collection'. All six glasses speak to me from a personal perspective. l find a beautiful narrative thread running throughout my carefully chosen pieces. Generating my own sense of serenity, light & hope.

l'm also feeling rather curious as to which unique glassybaby you're drawn too...


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